Transgender women are taking opportunities away from women in sports.

Everything feminists have fought for is being debunked. Where are they now?

Areyanna McCarthy
2 min readFeb 7, 2021

President Biden recently signed a new bill that allows transgender women to compete and participate on women’s athletic teams. To be clear, I evaluate presidential decisions based on their fairness and action, not on who is making them.

There are already instances of women settling for 3rd and 4th place when they should have been number 1. Instead, their place was taken by a transgender woman. Maybe they are just better? You would assume. However, men and women are biologically built in different ways which cause the need for separation of sexes, which is not to be confused with gender.

Transgender women are real women.

However, one can be a woman and not be classified as a female. Female is sex. It has to do with the chromosomal component of one's DNA which is why it is written on our birth certificate. Females and males are separated at the starting line. Even the minuscule components that we can not see differ. Transgender women still have the body of a male even though they do not identify with it. Women contain a higher percentage of body fat, less bone mass, and less muscle mass than men do biologically.

But transgender women take hormones that lower testosterone levels.

Though their voices may raise and less hair will grow, this does not decrease the length of their bones and increase fat levels. They still are placed at an unfair advantage. Second, in almost all cases, transgender women aren’t required to show they are taking hormone medication. As long as they identify as a woman, they are viable to compete. And if you still don’t believe me, the fastest 400-meter female runner holding the indoor world record is 49.56 seconds. Over 300 high school boys have beaten this time in the United States alone.

By allowing transgender women to compete with women makes everyone stronger and shows the power of women.

On the contrary, it belittled the strength of women that have been working so hard for that number one spot for several years and shows the power of transgender women coming in and stealing scholarships, college sports, and national placements from women who were on track to receive it.

This is not a matter of being inclusive, this is a matter of science, biology, and reason. This is a controversial subject and all are entitled to your own opinion. I will respect and listen to each and every voice as I hope mine will be as well.



Areyanna McCarthy

student athlete, poet, author of you look good in blue, a realistic optimist